I like what Saskatoon Public Schools are doing to help readers of all ages. I believe they are doing well with guided reading for students. Their structures are very useful and they are an asset to i the classroom. If you are interested in finding out more about guided reading, view the website listed after this entry.
I like the concept of having children being taught in small groups to accomplish the various reading methods. Children are in groups of 4 to 6 and for only 15 to 20 minutes. The way teachers know if the children have comprehended the text is by the teacher asking questions. The teacher will follow up with a mini lesson format if further understanding is needed for the children. I think that is a great approach because it lets a teacher know, righ away, how the children are progressing.
The school's website gives information to those who are interested in learning the teaching strategies for reading. The website gives tips for adapting guided reading. One of the tips, which incorporates parents, is to form a parent volunteer reading program. There are resources to help teachers learn how to fulfill guided reading objectives in their classroom. I like the website because it offers important ways for teachers to build their student's reading capabilities. Reading is very important and essential for everyone; so, students need good strategies and compassionate teachers.
http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/strats/guided/guided.html Instructional Strategies Online
I agree teaching reading in small groups is better for the students I believe that they do better in smaller groups.